In her new book about Biblical healing stories, Hess uses the Gospel’s narrative richness to address issues of depression.
Tag Archives: Doubt
The Stone Is Rolled–I’m Whole, I’m Held
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Let Us Sail into the Promise of the Day
E. A. Robinson’s “Children of the Night” finds spiritual hope in a dark world.
A Vast Unfolding Design Lit by a Risen Sun
Denise Levertov’s magnificent poem about Doubting Thomas graphically describes the doubts, making the final revelation all the more powerful.
Caught between Faith and Doubt
Rushdie has a great passage about a character caught between faith and doubt. The passage gives me an opportunity to determine where I myself stand.
Let Me Not Love Thee If I Love Thee Not
George Herbert, never afraid to go toe-to-toe with God, grapples with his tormenting faith in “Affliction (1).”
Emily Dickinson’s “Smart Misery” of Doubt
Emily Dickinson struggled with religious doubt all of her life. Because she desperately wanted to belief, some of her poems show her faith being tested.
Trapped in Spiritual Crisis? Read Donne
John Donne can come to the rescue of students who are in spiritual crisis.
A Good Faith Is Hard To Find
Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” is a profound meditation on doubt and faith.