The Trump resistance started off like Telemachus overwhelmed by the suitors but, like Odysseus upon his return, it is starting to get strategic.
Tag Archives: Elon Musk
Percy Shelley’s Cry for Freedom
“England in 1819,” written to protest George III and the Peterloo Massacre, sounds all too relevant today.
What Musk’s Favorite Books Reveal
In which I examine Musk’s favorite books to figure out what they reveal: Foundation Trilogy, Stranger in a Strange Land, Hitchhiker’s Guide, Atlas Shrugged, Waiting for Godot, and Lord of the Rings.
Cixin Liu Predicted Musk-Style Takeover
Cixin Liu’s sci-fi thriller anticipates an Elon Musk-style takeover.
The Chainsaw-Wielding Doge of America
Musk’s “DOGE” and the Doge of Venice have some things in common–at least according to Danny Kaye’s “Court Jester” and Byron’s “Prophecy of Dante.”
Which Tolkien Character Is Elon Musk?
Musk loved Tolkien when young but resembles the villains more than the heroes–namely Gollum, Saruman, and ultimately Wormtongue.
The Darkness at the Heart of Whiteness
Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” is all too applicable to the Musk administration’s attempts to destroy America.
Trump Doth Murder Sleep
Trump and Musk are current-day Macbeths, out to murder American democracy.
Unknown Citizens vs. Musk-Trump
While Auden satirizes the “Unknown Citizen,” unknown citizens are currently stepping up to resist Trump and Musk’s attempted coup.