Musk loved Tolkien when young but resembles the villains more than the heroes–namely Gollum, Saruman, and ultimately Wormtongue.
Tag Archives: Elon Musk
Which Tolkien Character Is Elon Musk?
The Darkness at the Heart of Whiteness
Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” is all too applicable to the Musk administration’s attempts to destroy America.
Trump Doth Murder Sleep
Trump and Musk are current-day Macbeths, out to murder American democracy.
Unknown Citizens vs. Musk-Trump
While Auden satirizes the “Unknown Citizen,” unknown citizens are currently stepping up to resist Trump and Musk’s attempted coup.
Responding to the Musk-Trump Coup
In response to attempted takeovers such as Elon Musk’s, poet Ilya Kaminsky urges us to wake up and resist. Anne Lamott suggests some of the forms this can take.
Franklin on Freedom of the Press
Benjamin Franklin’s poem about the necessity of a free press is remarkably timely.
Humorless Twitter Boss as Malvolio
Elon Musk sparring with his Twitter critics is like Shakespeare’s Malvolio going after Feste.
Alas, Poor Twitter–I Knew Him, Ho-Ratio
Literary allusions have been flying, many with a sense of doom, since Elon Musk purchased Twitter.
Is Twitter Headed for Bleak House?
Twitter’s case against Musk is headed for Chancery Court, bringing up memories of Dickens’s “Bleak House.”