Blake’s “Jerusalem” can be read as a challenge to oppose the forces of climate change that threaten our beautiful country.
Tag Archives: Environment
Hydrocarbons Are Our Dark Satanic Mills
Poetry Defending Violated Nature
Romantic poet John Clare would had had strong words about Trumpist attacks on our national parks.
Despite Trump, the Rivers Kept Speaking
Jane Hirshfield’s “Fifth Day,” written five days into the Trump administration, capture the president’s war against science and the environment.
Manifesto for the Earth’s Future
Wendell Berry’s manifesto of “The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” is worth revisiting on this 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. It captures the spirit of the times.
A Season for Miraculous Breakthroughs
In this Scott Bates poem about Operation Breakthrough, the 1988 American-Soviet rescue operation that liberated three ice-bound gray whales, the possibility for international cooperation to save the planet is imagined. Were he still alive today, my father would be excited by the 2015 Paris climate accord.
Sir Gawain and Celtic Spirituality
“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” may represent the clash between two strains of Christianity which today we describe as Dominionism and Green Christianity. The 14th century poem definitely comes down on the green side.
Earth Day: Please Brake for Woolly Bears
Scott Bates’ Earth Day poem calls for protecting even caterpillars. After all, sometimes they grow up to be Keats’ tiger moths with their “deep damasked wings.”