Trump tells us to “read the transcript,” as if it exonerates him rather than condemns him. It’s a Big Brother move.
Tag Archives: George Orwell
Brecht on Speaking Truth to Power
Monday A Bertolt Brecht poem came to mind when Retired Navy Admiral William H. McRaven came to the defense of former CIA Director John Brennan, stripped of his security clearance by a Donald Trump angry at his criticisms. Vox has the story of what happened: The man who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in […]
Does the GOP Love Big Brother?
Do Congressional Republicans flatter Trump Goneril-like out of convenience or do they “love Big Brother”? Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor may hold the key.
Using Doublethink To Sell Trumpcare
House Republicans appear to be using Doublethink to sell their healthcare plan. If it works, there will be no stopping them.
Fundamentalists Send Readers to Atwood
Margaret Atwood’s “Handmaid’s Tale” is topping bestseller lists at the moment. The reason is probably because of the GOP’s prospect of success in curbing reproductive freedom.
Trump’s “Truth” Is Like Big Brother’s
Like Orwell’s Big Brother, Donald Trump has been allowed to define truth. We’re all paying for it.
When Surveillance Is Incompetent
When, in a post last week, I found parallels between the National Security Agency’s extensive data mining attempts and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, I neglected to mention (as this New Yorker essay does) that one has to be careful with books that have themselves become symbols. When this happens, they become like clichés, losing their […]
Big Brother Is Data Mining You
The government”s Prism data-mining program predictably brings Orwell’s “1984” to mind.