Swift anticipated Donald Trump in his essay on “Political Lying.”
Tag Archives: GOP
Marquez: How GOP Can Regain Its Soul
What has happened to the GOP is what happens to Col. Aureliano Buendia in “One Hundred Years of Solitude.” Fortunately, Garcia Marquez assures us there is a way back.
Pope Describes Triumph of Stupidity
Book IV of Pope’s “Dunciad” captures the triumph of Trumpism. In Pope’s poem, the goddess dullness (stupidity) has conquered the world.
A President Who Hates Books
No president has been so adverse to reading as Donald Trump, whose contempt for books conjures up images of “Fahrenheit 451.”
The Year in GOP Soul Selling
This blog’s “post of the year” compared the GOP’s embrace of Trump to Faustus selling his soul to the devil.
Does the GOP Love Big Brother?
Do Congressional Republicans flatter Trump Goneril-like out of convenience or do they “love Big Brother”? Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor may hold the key.
Trump & GOP as Shakespearean Drama
To see the decline of the GOP as a Shakespeare drama, one must draw on “Macbeth,” “Hamlet,,” “Henry IV,” and “King Lear.” And throw in Marlowe’s “Dr. Faustus.”
Murakami on Ideology’s Hollowness
Murakami’s diatribe against rigid ideologues in “Kafka on the Shore” applies only too well to figures on the American right.
Crashing against the Debt Ceiling
If the GOP Congress members don’t soon come to their senses, we will have a debt ceiling crisis. For a visual image, picture a giant Alice in the White Rabbit’s small house.