My book “Better Living through Lit” this past year was only one of several making the case that literature can be social dynamite.
Tag Archives: Iliad
Lit Packs a Powerful Punch
Trumpism and Penelope’s Suitors
Penelope’s suitors are like Trump and his supporters, looting the household and then calling other people lazy grifters asking for handouts.
Why Fiction Terrifies People
I announce my forthcoming book and contrast it with a similar book–“Dangerous Fictions”–coming out soon.
Literature in Time of War
Poetry has always been present in times of war but with mixed success at improving conditions.
How Lit Inspires Courage and Love
Fletcher in “Masterworks” argues that epic narrative can boost courage and lyric disclosure can do the same for love.
On Trump, Achilles, and Retribution
Trump has been threatening retribution on his enemies. The Iliad shows the corrosive effects of revenge.
Is Your Life Epic? Ask the Gods
A visit to an Irish literature museum alerted me to this Patrick Kavanagh about what makes something epic.
Homeric Tactics Anticipate Ukraine’s
War scenes from the Iliad bring to mind the Battle of Bakhmut–especially when it comes to superior Ukrainian intelligence gathering.
Paris, Trump, and Accountability
The way Priam enables Paris is similar to how the GOP enables Trump. Utter disaster awaits.