Kamala Harris’s favorite lit reveals a woman engaging in foundational exploration, especially regarding race and gender.
Tag Archives: Kamala Harris
Harris’s Literary Favs Reveal a Vibrant Soul
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Amy Tan, C. S. Lewis, immigrants, Joy Luck Club, Khaled Hosseini, Kite Runner, Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, Native Son, race relations, Richard Wright, Song of Solomon, Toni Morrison Comments closed
A Lotus Poem for Kamala
Because Kamala means lotus in Sanskrit, I share this Scott Bates lotus poem. Kamala was associated with the fertility goddess Lakshmi and America could use some fertility at the moment.
Kamala Harris, a Phenomenal Woman
To understand the power exuded by Kamala Harris, check out these two Maya Angelou poems.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Phenomenal Woman", "Still I Rise", 2020 election, Joe Biden, Maya Angelou Comments closed