Christina Rossetti’s poem “Lent” is powerful in its simplicity.
Tag Archives: Lent
Come Down, O Christ, and Reach Thy Hand
In Wilde’s poem “E Tenebris,” the speaker feels unable to reach up to God.
God as a Stern but Loving Gardener
Herbert’s Lenten poem “Paradise,” about the pruning necessary to ensure growth, literally prunes the line endings.
Pondering Our Ashness, Hoping for Easter
Buggeman’s “Marked by Ashes” is a good poem to kick off the season of Lent.
Lent: The Air Heavy and Thick
Spiritual Sunday I share today a good Lenten poem by Denise Levertov where the poet finds herself in a funk, albeit not a dramatic funk. She’s experiencing neither a “dark night of the soul” nor a scorching wasteland desert, those extreme moments of crisis that have pushed people to revelation. (Today’s Gospel reading is Jesus’s […]
Harry’s Lenten Message: Love over Death
Rowling’s “The Deathly Hallows” can be read as a Lenten meditation.
Act in All Things as Love Will Prompt
My lectures on Flannery O’Connor, James Baldwin, Shakespeare and Sophocles all seem to track back to Lent these days.
Sorrow, Tears, Emptiness Are Necessary
Rob finds redemption in suffering and sorrow in “But for Love,” a good Lenten message.
Flannery O’Connor on Lenten Despair
Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” works as a powerful Lenten meditation upon doubt and salvation.