Native American author Leslie Marmon Silko warns of ecological disaster if we don’t change our relationship to the earth.
Tag Archives: Leslie Marmon Silko
Silko Foretells the “Brown Surge” North
Silko’s “Almanac of the Dead” foretells the “brown surge” of refugees crossing into the United States.
Beowulf Blog, 5 Years Old Today
Today is the five-year anniversary of this blog. I can’t quite believe that, in that time, I’ve written close to 1700 posts and probably over a million words. I have never had so much fun writing. I have particularly enjoyed my interactions with readers. Each month during the school year, around 10,000 different individuals visit […]
Poetic Guides through Cultural Devastation
Indian poets are necessary to keep cultural identity alive and to forge new paths in a white world.
Drought and the Human War on Nature
Pueblo novelistLeslie Marmon Silko finds a combination of spiritual, psychological and economic explanations for drought.
Dostoevsky and the Arizona Shootings
When I posted, on Saturday morning, my blog entry for Sunday, I little realized that I would be turning for help later in the day to the work I was discussing. Doestoevsky’s Brothers Karamazov is guiding my response to the horrific shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Judge John Ball, and 16 others, including a child. […]
Are Dystopian Novels Useful?
The new Arizona immigration law, which authorizes police to engage in racial profiling (even while claiming not to), has me thinking back to Almanac of the Dead, a 1991 novel by Pueblo writer Leslie Marmon Silko. This imaginary recreation of a 21st-century future predicted this would happen. I don’t like Almanac the way I like Silko’s […]
This Fragile Earth, Our Island Home
On Monday I talked about how Silko says that, if we are to end our destructive (and ultimately self-destructive) assaults upon the earth, we must come into spiritual alignment with it. I’m aware that appealing to Native American religions is sure to draw jeers from certain sectors of the political right, especially the Rush Limbaughs […]
Witchery Unleashed in the Gulf
Just days after celebrating the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, we experienced the greatest oil spill in U.S. history. And it is still going on! I can’t begin to express how discouraged I am about the news. I have boycotted Exxon since the Valdez tanker spill fouled the Alaskan coast in 1989, and here we […]