“Wicked” (the movie) shows us Trump-type scapegoating while “Wicked” (the book) also provides insight into how and why people are drawn to his sadism.
Tag Archives: Marquis de Sade
Wicked, a Parable for Our Time
Byatt’s Babel Tower and Truth Today
A.S. Byatt counterposes Fourier and Sade in “Babel Tower.” The novel is influencing a “Truth, Education, and Democracy” session I am helping put together.
Boredom + Sadism Drove Trumpists
Boredom + sadism characterized Trumpism. The dynamic shows up in Samuel Richardson’s “Clarissa.” The country will hopefully flee back to maturity.
Trump as Sadist
Thinking of Trump as a sadist helps us better understand some of his initiatives. It’s therefore worth looking at Sade’s novels.
Does Sade Explain Trumpism?
Thursday A recent reflection about Trump and Trumpism by Editorial Board’s John Stoehr has me thinking of the Marquis de Sade and Fyodor Dostoevsky. To understand the president and his devoted followers, Stoehr says, try sadism. Stoehr is initially puzzled that people like Trump don’t want power in order to enact policy. He comes to […]