e.e. cummings has a dialogue with Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” in his own poem about autumn. I include Frost and Oliver in the reflection as well.
Tag Archives: Mary Oliver
the passing of all shining things
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "In Blackwater Woods", "Ode to the West Wind", "the glory is fallen out of", Autumn, death, e. e. cummings, Percy Shelley Comments closed
If You Find Joy, Give in to It
End your week on an upbeat note with Mary Oliver’s “Don’t Hesitate.”
Add the Climate to a Week of Disasters
Mary Oliver’s poem on climate change mixes wonder and sadness.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "On Traveling to Beautiful Places", climate change, Four horsemen of the Apocalypse, pollution Comments closed
Out of Black Ponds, Water Lillies
“Morning Poem” works as an Easter poem because every morning, as Oliver sees it, is a mini-resurrection.
Lit as a Life Survival Kit
When I teach literature, I emphasize application first, interpretation second.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Diving into the Wreck", "Knight" Donald Trump, "Knight", "what the mirror said", Adrienne Rich, Lucille Clifton Comments closed
Diving into May Flowers
An Oliver poem and a Murdoch observation for the month of May.
Feeding This Feverish Plot
Mary Oliver’s “Fish” may be her interpretation of the post-Resurrection story of Jesus eating boiled fish.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Fish", "In Blackwater Woods", life and death, Resurrection Comments closed