In this topsy-turrvy baseball season, as in Midsummer Night’s Dream, all things are possible and the Baltimore Orioles are a game out of first.
Tag Archives: Midsummer Night's Dream
Midsummer Madness–Orioles Chasing First
Usain Bolt as Shakespeare’s Puck
Like Shakespeare’s Puck, Usain Bolt toys with his opponents.
Don’t Underestimate Midsummer Madness
The summer solstice and Shakespeare’s famous play appear sentimental to us today. They were not always so.
Shakespeare with a Smart Phone
The plays would have been different if Shakespeare’s characters had had access to social media.
Shakespeare Passages for Halloween
Shakespeare has memorable passages about ghosts that are appropriate for Halloween.
Managing Midsummer Madness (i.e., Sex)
Midsummer Night’s Dream provides good instruction for the parents of teenagers. First of all, don’t think that you can tyrannically dictate your children’s choices (say, by threatening them with execution). On the other hand, they need guidelines and guidance. There’s no telling how they’ll behave once they are set loose in the forest of their […]
Shakespeare in the Prisons
As I am out of town this week, my colleagues have been loaning me articles they have written to share on the website. Here my colleague Beth Charlebois, our Shakespeare scholar, recounts as instance of literary impact at its most dramatic–in this instance, the effect of Shakespeare on inmates of a Missouri correctional institute. […]