As Julia and I celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary, I am put in mind of Milton’s celebration of “wedded love.”
Tag Archives: Paradise Lost
O Virgin Mother, Daughter of the Sun
To celebrate Mother’s Day, here’s the moment in “Paradiso” when Dante meets Mary.
Milton on Cancel Culture
Yale professor Bromwich applies Milton to the cancel culture debate.
America Plagued by Ingratitude
Friday Red states have a long history of complaining about “blue state bailouts” while sucking up far more blue state money that blue states get from red, (Urban areas, the nation’s major income generators, generally vote Democratic.) Red state Congress members are also famous for denying disaster relief to blue states (think Ted Cruz on […]
Elizabeth Warren, Like Eve, Persists
It was four years ago when McConnell said about Sen. Warren, “Still she persisted.” Milton’s Eve also persisted but the comparisons end there.
Erotic Love, a Window into God
Some Christian see a clash between sex and love. Dante and Milton found ways to reconcile them.
Impeachment and the Scarlet Letter
“The Scarlet Letter” provides several lessons for Trump’s impeachment trial.
Milton on the Ten Commandments
In Milton’s view of Moses, the law he receives is a temporary measure, ultimately to be superseded by divine grace.
Enter by the Garden Gate
“Paradise Lost” and Lewis’s “Magician’s Nephew” pick up on today’s Gospel reading, where Jesus warns against false prophets.