The GOP’s switch from anti- to pro-Russia is like switching from Eurasia to Eastasia in “1984.” But rather than resembling mob boss Don Corleone in the scenario, Trump is more like Putin’s Luca Brasi.
Tag Archives: Russo-Ukraine War
Trump as Putin’s Luca Brasi
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Donald Trump, Godfather, J.D. Vance, Lindsey Graham, Mario Puzo, mob boss politics, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelensky Comments closed
Zelinsky–Hamlet or Henry V?
Ukraine president recently quoted Hamlet’s great soliloquy, which does in fact lay out his situation.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Hamlet, Henry V, Timothy Snyder, Volodymyr Zelensky, William Shakespeare Comments closed
Moscow’s Terror Attack and Big Brother
Like Big Brother, Putin is attempting to change the facts of the Moscow terrorist attack to justify his political goals.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged 1984, George Orwell, Moscow terror attack, Vladimir Putin Comments closed
In Russia, It’s Always 1984
Putin blames Ukraine, NATO and the U.S. in the same way that Big Brother blames Eurasia.
The Bridge on the Black Sea
The damaging of the Russian bridge to Crimea brings to mind “Bridge on the River Kwai”–although it’s closer to the movie than to the novel.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Bridge on the River Kwai, Dashiell Hammett, existentialism, Maltese Falcon, Pierre Bouille Comments closed
The War Song of Vladimir Putin
One can imagine Peacock’s famous mock-epic “War-song” as Russia’s tough talk with regard to Ukraine.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "War Song of Dinas Vawr", Thomas Peacock, Vladimir Putin Comments closed