Understanding the popularity of Gillian Flynn’s “Gone Girl” amongst young women helps explain the mixed feelings about Hillary Clinton. She’s not a “cool girl.” But this is actually good.
Tag Archives: Sarah Palin
Hillary & the Pressure To Be a Cool Girl
Sarah Palin as Daisy Buchanan
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat, speaking for moderate Republicans who are being driven from the party, sees himself as Jay Gatsby jilted by Daisy. Sarah Palin was once his Daisy and Donald Trump could be compared to Tom Buchanan.
Sarah Palin as Dorothy
Sarah Palin’s attraction in part lay in the way that she seemed to be a reincarnation of MGM’s Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz.”
Sarah (Malaprop) Palin vs. Obamacare
Sarah Palin’s attack on Obamacare sounds as though it were delivered by Mrs. Malaprop.
Sam Spade Takes on Sarah Palin
Something about Monday’s debate amongst Republicans vying for their party’s presidential nomination reminded me of Dashiell Hammett’s “The Maltese Falcon.” They are all chasing after a legendary black bird that seems to be priceless but all too often turns out to be a lead simulacrum.
Palin, Bachmann, and All about Eve
The rivalry between Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann about who will be Tea Party queen reminds me of the 1950 Betty Davis film All about Eve. The parallels are so delicious that I have to share them with you.
Palin, Mama Grizzlies, and the Wife of Bath
There was a lot of talk about Sarah Palin’s “Mama Grizzlies” this past election season. The image, which conjures up mothers fiercely defending their threatened young, has never made logical sense to me as a rightwing symbol. After all, shouldn’t mothers be fighting fiercely for social safety net programs (which Sarah Palin attacks) and against […]