A Scott Bates poem about autumn’s annual striptease.
Tag Archives: Scott Bates
Leaves Condemned to Be Free
Scott Bates offers this humorous existentialist meditation on falling leaves.
A Serene Way to Deal with Chaos
Scott Bates’s humorous fable “The Contented Weed” offers a serene way to handle everything that life throws at us.
Christmas Eve Updated
Christmas Eve A Christmas Eve poem by my father, probably inspired by Jean Luc Godard’s controversial film Hail Mary. Item By Scott Bates They came in on Interstate 93 Past a dozen signs of NO VACANCY And finally stopped at the Holiday Inn Where she stayed in the car while he went in And was politely […]
A Fable that Explains Charity
Scott Bates finds less than altruistic motives behind charitable acts but note that they end up in the right place anyway.
Homage to My Father, a Reader
Friday Tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of my father’s death. To remember him, I share one of his poems about reading. My father read to my brothers and me virtually every night when we were growing up, passing along a passion that became our own. In “The Retiring Candle,” he imagines an introverted candle retreating […]
What Our Libraries Reveal about Us
Merging my library with my father’s have given me a new appreciation for him.
In Support of Today’s Anti-NRA Marchers
In support of today’s march against the NRA and in support of sensible gun control, I post a powerful anti-NRA poem by Scott Bates.
NRA Uber Alles
Scott Bates “unloads” on the NRA in a poem which never goes out of date.