Yeats’s “Second Coming” pretty much describes the current GOP, with Trump auditioning to be the rough beast.
Tag Archives: "Second Coming"
The Second Coming of Trumpism?
The Case for Memorizing Poetry
To bolster yourself against this age of anxiety, memorize robust poetry. Other poetry works as well.
The Dreadful Sound of Trump (not that one)
Wednesday On Monday I hosted what proved to be a lovely luncheon (an onion tart, ratatouille, and a trifle) for Vanderbilt University Librarian Valerie Hotchkiss, who was in Sewanee to discuss a presentation I will be giving at the university on the card game Speculation. Jane Austen fans will recognize it as the game played […]
Do Endings Reveal Meaning of Life?
Monday My wife Julia alerted me to an intriguing although somewhat frustrating article in Atlantic about the end of time. Drawing on Frank Kermode’s 1967 The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction, Megan Garber wrestles with an issue recently raised by The Washington Post: how do we live with constant reminders […]
Viagra and the Drums of War
Scott Bates’ “Viagra” offers up an explanation as to why America’s war hawks won’t go away, even after they bungled so badly.
The End of the World As We Know It?
A number of poets have written poems about the apocalypse. But it’s always figurative, never literal.
Political Commentary’s Most Cited Poem
The Washington Post’s E. J. Dionne has called Yeats’s “The Second Coming” the most cited poem in political commentary. Yeats may set up a false dichotomy between “passionate intensity” and “lack of conviction,” however.