Beowulf’s advice for battling dragon depression: don’t go it alone, which itself is a dragon trait.
Tag Archives: Trumpism
Böll on Desperately Clinging to the Past
Heinrich Böll’s “Christmas Not Just Once a Year” captures the yearning to return to the past that animates many Trump supporters.
Pickwickian Anger at Dems’ Surrender
As I watch Democrats surrendering to Trump in advance, I am as appalled as Mr. Pickwick is when he watches his lawyer praise opposing counsel.
Trumpism and Penelope’s Suitors
Penelope’s suitors are like Trump and his supporters, looting the household and then calling other people lazy grifters asking for handouts.
Trump, His Billionaires, and Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand’s novels help explain why certain billionaires are gravitating to Donald Trump. Trump’s own enthusiasm about “The Fountainhead” is also revealing.
Unexpected Book Bans
Book bans were on the rise in the 2023-24 school year–sometimes for understandable reasons, sometimes not.
Will AI Be Used To Suppress Votes?
In 1973, an Angela Carter predicted the power of unreality to take over our lives. In 2024, AI may be proving her right.
Trump as Frankenstein’s Creature
A perfect British takedown of Trump references “Frankenstein.”
Authoritarians Long to Act with Impunity
Authoritarians long to act with impunity. H.G. Wells captures this fantasy in “The Invisible Man.”