I repost a Toni Morrison essay on the importance of black men asserting their worth.
Tag Archives: violence
Top Post of 2014: Black Lives Matter
“Everybody Wants a Black Man’s Life”
Toni Morrison’s “Song of Solomon” offers a vision of hope for targeted black teens.
America’s Heart of Darkness Beginnings
America’s bloody beginnings are part of who we still are.
Syrian Violence vs. Our Humanity
Galloway’s “Cellist of Sarajevo” gives a face to the victims of violence.
Lit’s Role in the Decline of Violence
The empathy fostered by novel reading may have played a role in the decline of violence.
Vigilante Films Responsible for Trayvon?
Trayvon Martin’s death has Americans rethinking the vigilante film.
Syria’s Massacre of the Innocents
Updating Herod’s slaughter of the innocents, Scott Bates imagines a soldier who takes a principled stand and refuses to participate.
The Perfection and Poetry of Tyrants
W. H. Auden’s chilling “Epitaph on a Tyrant” matter-of-factly shows the deadly but seductive simplicity that characterizes dictators like Qaddafi and Assad.
Can Humanitarians Stop Violence?
The Oscar-winning film “In a Better World” explores how to respond to the world’s violence in an authentic and uncompromising way.