I share the Samuel Johnson chapter from my book-in-progress.
Tag Archives: William Shakespeare
Johnson: Read the Bard, Not Tom Jones
A Stuck Ship, a Pound of Flesh
The Evergreen cargo ship, stuck in the Suez canal, brings to mind a Shylock passage from “Merchant of Venice.”
Cruz Is No Willie Stark or Richard III
Ted Cruz? More Willie Stark crossed with Chevy Chase or Richard III played by Mr. Bean?
Can GOP Wash Its Hands of Capitol Blood?
While the Macbeths share many traits with Trump and his GOP enablers, they had least have the capacity for self-reflection.
Trump’s and Shakespeare’s Mobs
Thursday In Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part II, the ambitious third duke of York, Richard, enlists former officer Jack Cade to instigate a mob uprising in the hopes of overthrowing Henry. Richard makes his designs clear: he wants to “reap the harvest which that rascal sow’d.” To so-called Cade rebellion is temporarily successful, as has been […]
Dreaming of Travel during Covid
A very smart Covid poem circulating on social media at the moment references 11 poems, all about longing to travel.
A Wretch Concentered All in Self
Look to Sir Walter Scott, not to Shakespeare, to sum up Donald Trump’s exit.
In “Crown,” Philip Gets Auden, Not Keats
“The Crown” makes productive use of poetry to move the action. In three Season #3 episodes, we encounter Kipling, Shakespeare, Keats & Auden.