The ring in “Lord of the Rings” lends itself to numerous approaches.
Monthly Archives: February 2014
Sauron’s Ring: Power Corrupts
A Spiritual Quest Begins inside a Whale
According to Joseph Campbell, a hero’s journey invariably involves a “belly of the whale” experience. Tokien describes the experience in fantasy, Dan Albergotti in everyday life.
Maybe the Gulfs Will Wash Us Down
Peyton Manning was not Homer’s Odysseus but Tennyson’s Ulysses.
Moll Flanders: How to Make It in Hard Times
If my students enjoy “Moll Flanders,” it may be because of their large debt load and uncertain job prospects.
Lear’s Nonsense Perfect for Children
My grandson’s tiny body and large head brought to mind Edward Lear’s Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo.
The World’s a Stage–Choose Your Part
In his senior project, one of my students uses literature to examine life and literature to engage with it.
Jane Austen, Must Reading for Scientists
Jane Austen can serve as a warning to scientists about confirmation bias.
Seahawks: Unleashed, Endlessly Hungry
Mary Oliver’s poem about hunting hawks about sums up last night’s Super Bowl.
Real Religion Is Like Literature
If the “Chronicles of Narnia” are read narrowly as Christian propaganda, then they suffer and so does Christianity.