As we receive news that the Antarctic ice sheet is less stable than we thought and that we could be facing catastrophic sea level rise in the next century, China Miéville’s nightmare vision of a polluted city in “Perdido Street Station” is a wake-up call.
Monthly Archives: March 2016
Oh the Ice Will Split and the Cities Be Hit
Limbaugh’s Clinton-Ratched Comparison
Rightwing radio host Rush Limbaugh regularly compares Hillary Clinton to Nurse Ratched in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and, in so doing, can be said to have paved the way for misogynist Donald Trump. If it’s Trump vs. Clinton in the general election, things will get ugly.
The Terrible Beauty of Political Fanatics
While many are celebrating the centenary of Ireland’s Easter uprising, Yeats’s famous poem on the rebellion offers us cautions about how to respond to such acts of rebellion today.
Praise that Would Undermine Trump
Ben Jonson describes malicious praise as praise that undermines while appearing to lift up. Maybe the GOP establishment should start praising Donald Trump.
Why Literary Psychopaths Fascinate Us
My student, an English-psychology double major, is exploring if the depiction of psychopathic killers in dramas like “Psycho,” “Silence of the Lambs,” “Dexter” and “Gone Girl” is accurate–and, more interestingly, what are fascination with such stories tells us about ourselves.
A White Cross Streaming across the Sky
Today’s Easter poem is Mary Oliver’s “The Swan,” in which everything suddenly becomes clear.
How Kipling’s Kaa Would Fight ISIS
ISIS resembles the Monkey People in Kipling’s “Jungle Book” in the way it craves attention. It is defeated by Kaa, but the authoritarian python brings his own set of problems, a fascist reaction to anarchy.
Invoking Tintin to Mourn the Killings
As horror is unleashed in Belgium, people are turning to the country’s most beloved story creation, Hergés Tintin, to cope.