Jesus’s promise to his disciples, to send them “another advocate with the father,” is picked up by a disheartened Milton as he seeks to justify the ways of God to man–and to himself.
Monthly Archives: May 2017
Pratchett’s Strong Case for Diversity
Terry Pratchett’s comic fantasy Discworld books culminated in the introduction of the railway in his final novel. Pratchett is an effective advocate for a post-modern, multicultural world.
T. S. Eliot, Hope for the Suicidal
In a guest post, novelist Lauren B. Davis draws on Eliot’s “Waste Land” and “Four Quartets” to deal with the suicides of her two brothers and find a way forward.
Maybe Ryan Sees Trump as John Galt
If Paul Ryan refuses to stand up to Donald Trump, it may be because he worships him as a John Galt figure.
Only after Pain Comes Life
For Mother’s Day, here’s a Madeleine L’Engle poem about Jesus’s mother experiencing the crucifixion and then the resurrection. In it we see both the joys and the heartbreak that come with an unconditional mother’s love.
Commencement à la Wordsworth
Tomorrow our students graduate and they will sing a school song that draws heavily on Wordsworth. The song also has an unexpected twist not intended by the author that always gets a laugh.
Trump’s Latest Queen of Hearts Beheading
Donald Trump is starting to resemble the Queen of Hearts with all the figures that he has fired, most recently FBI director James Comey. We must stand up to the Queen as Alice does.