The concept of “unleashing,” used to explain much of today’s upheaval, can also be applied to literature that changes lives.
Monthly Archives: October 2017
Literature’s Revolutionary Power
Las Vegas: Our Killers, Ourselves
As a white man, the Las Vegas shooter could not be fitted into an easy right wing Other narrative. “Beowulf” shows how monsters generally look like us.
Visit Puerto Rico with Wings of Healing
Read through hurricane-weary eyes, Coleridge’s “Dejection: An Ode” promises soulful hope.
If Fielding Had Written about Trump
Henry Fielding would have had a field day writing about America’s president.
Wordsworth and a Depressed Philosopher
When utilitarian John Stuart Mill’s philosophy led him into despair, Wordsworth’s poetry saved him.
Assertive Women Drive Lear, Trump Mad
Lear is driven mad by his assertive daughters. Are strong women like the San Juan mayor also sending Trump around the bend?
While the President Golfed…
Sarah Cleghorn’s famous poem “The Golf Links” captures our president, who golfs while Puerto Rico starves.
May We Sail without Giving into Our Fears
A Noah’s Ark poem by the great Syrian poet Adonis can be applied to the Puerto Rico rescue effort, especially as certain people on the right attempt to inject race into the affair.