For Mary Oliver, autumn is a time to reflect.
Monthly Archives: September 2020
Heart of Darkness as Military Manual
According to this military officer, “Heart of Darkness” provides a warning about what ill-conceived military incursions can do to servicemen and women.
Birthday Wishes at 95
For my mother’s 95th birthday, I turn to Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 73” to express my continuing love.
May God’s Love Be Taught in Jerusalem
Grace Shulman’s Yom Kippur poem imagines Israelis and Arab Palestinians coming together so that Jerusalem can truly become a city of peace.
A Lotus Poem for Kamala
Because Kamala means lotus in Sanskrit, I share this Scott Bates lotus poem. Kamala was associated with the fertility goddess Lakshmi and America could use some fertility at the moment.
Pratchett’s Solution to Police Violence
Wednesday That Breonna Taylor’s family is receiving a $12 million settlement and the promise of police reform following her wrongful shooting by Louisville police is in part a testimony to Black Lives Matters protests and other instances of public pressure. Without them, we might not even know her name. With that in mind, I return […]
How to Overlook 200,000 Deaths
Donne’s “Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” captures why America might be overlooking 200,000 deaths at the moment.