American authoritarians appropriating Orwell’s “1984” for their own use is itself an Orwellian move.
Monthly Archives: November 2023
Hamlet Taught Us a New Way to Grieve
In “Hamlet,” Shakespeare taught the world a powerful new way to grieve.
Does Hamlet Speak for Generation Z?
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Biden and Auden’s Unknown Citizen
Auden’s “Unknown Citizen” looks better now than when the poet wrote the poem.
Our Country, a Land of Poverty
Blake calls out those who claim to be Christians while mistreating the poor.
Expressing Thanks Is Its Own Reward
Thanks giving is not (as Milton’s Satan) contends, a burdensome debt but the key to deep joy.
A Wordsworth Thanksgiving Poem
In which I read Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” as a Thanksgiving poem.
Clifton on JFK’s Assassination
In “november 21, 1988,” Clifton looks back at JFK’s assassination and sees it as a day when history changed forever.