Monthly Archives: June 2024

Two Poems to Welcome in Summer

To celebrate the first day of summer, here are two lovely summer poems, one by Emily Bronte, one by Mary Oliver.

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An MLK Poem for Juneteenth

For Juneteenth, here’s a Margaret Walker poem honoring MLK’s Dream speech.

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The Right’s Love Affair with Assault Rifles

This Scott Bates poem exposes the toxic masculinity behind America’s gun worship.

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Eating Intentionally and Ethically

A new book, “Good Eats: 32 Writers on Eating Ethically,” is introduced by Naomi Shihab Nye’s “Truth Serum.”

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Lose Yourself Inside This Soft World

Be mindful of the world, Mary Oliver tells us in “Mindful,” a poem that echoes Wordsworth and Hopkins.

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The GOP Has Learned to Love Big Brother

Many in the GOP who condemned January 6 when it happened now, like Winston Smith, love Big Brother.

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O Is for Dirty Oil Men

A Scott Bates poem about the kinds of billionaires–especially the oil men–who are flocking to Trump.

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On Lear and Turning 73

Poet David Wright finds retirement lessons in “King Lear.” And aging lessons as well.

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An Ent Sighting in New Zealand

New Zealand’s famous “walking tree” brings to mind Tolkien’s Ents.

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