Mary is more eager and diligent risk-taker than a meek and mild maiden, according to Levertov, C.S. Lewis, and Christopher Bryan.
Monthly Archives: December 2024
Meek and Mild Mary? Think Again
An Owl Poem for Winter Solstice
A Mary Oliver owl poem to celebrate the winter solstice.
The Green Knight and Plague Fears
The message of the Green Knight: love nature, love your bodies, and love life. People who don’t are often driven by their fear of life’s transience.
Trump as Long John Silver
Trump has mercurial escape powers similar to those of Long John Silver in Stevenson’s novels. There a sliver of optimism in this comparison.
Birds as Heavenly Messengers
A Scott Bates poem about birds flocking around feeders in the snow captures the mystical transformation that cultures dream of during the dark days of winter.
Pickwickian Anger at Dems’ Surrender
As I watch Democrats surrendering to Trump in advance, I am as appalled as Mr. Pickwick is when he watches his lawyer praise opposing counsel.
Advent as a Final Notification
Rich’s “Final Notification” can be read as an Advent poem, a resistance to and then final surrender to God’s will.
Trumpism and Penelope’s Suitors
Penelope’s suitors are like Trump and his supporters, looting the household and then calling other people lazy grifters asking for handouts.
A Lovely Poem Celebrating Aging
Author Dudley Delffs has written a lovely poem about turning sixty. “The dimming day is undeniable, but twilight embers ambient gold all around you, a gilt frame glimmering.”