Catherine Alder has a beautiful poem in which she calls upon us to unclench our fists. I reflect also upon two other works that feature clenched fists, Blake’s “Grey Monk” and George MacDonald’s “Lilith.”
Tag Archives: Advent
The Twisted Fingers Letting Go
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Advent Hands", "Grey Monk", Catherine Alder, George MacDonald, Hands, Lilith, St. Joseph, William Blake Comments closed
The Stable Is Our Heart
Madeleine L’Engle alludes to “The Second Coming” in this Advent poem, which promises stability in the face of fear and lust for power.
And the Light Shineth in the Darkness…
Auden’s Advent section in “For the Time Being” captures the pessimism that many feel about the world today. Luckily, the poem moves on to the Christmas promise.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged For the Time Being, refugee crisis, Terrorism, W. H. Auden Comments closed
Advent and Horror at the Void
Donald Hall’s “Advent” captures the darkness of the season, linking death with birth.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Journey of the Magi", "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking", analysis, Christmas, crucifixion, Donald Hall, Resurrection, T. S. Eliot, Walt Whitman Comments closed
Weeping, We Hold Him Fast Tonight
Christina Rossetti invokes Jesus’ parable of the ten virgins awaiting the bridegroom in this Advent poem.
The Rest between Two Notes
A Rilke poem captures the spirit of Advent when he describes his life as “the rest between two notes.”
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "I Am the Rest between Two Notes", Rainer Maria Rilke, Transcendence Comments closed
The Intrusion of an Overwhelming Joy
Advent is a time for waiting and listening for a message from God. Jarman describes having once experienced it and feeling driven to find it again.