The Romney weekend fundraising event in the Hamptons uncomfortably mirrors the parties that occur in the Hamptons in “The Great Gatsby.”
Tag Archives: Barack Obama
2012 Election Mirrors Great Gatsby
Obama – Guilty of Hemingway Grandiosity?
Maureen Down is accusing Obama of the grandiosity of Hemingway and the detachment of Walker Percy’s moviegoer.
Mitt’s Favorite Book: Sci Fi Nostalgia
Mitt Romney’s favorite novel, “Battleship Earth,” is a throwback to an America that no longer exists.
Obama’s Love Affair with “Waste Land”
Obama’s youthful love letters see him moving seamlessly between great ideas and sexual desire.
Obama as a Toni Morrison Character
Perhaps some of the conservative antipathy to Obama is because he is seen as just taking over when he promised to work for social justice.
Ellison’s Invisible Man, Always Relevant
Ralph Ellison’s “Invisible Man” remains relevant, including to the Trayvon Martin case.
Why Obama Hatred? Ask Ellison, Baldwin
What causes Obama-derangement? Ellison’s “Invisible Man” and Baldwin’s “Go Tell It on the Mountain” offer explanations.
Has Obama Been a Naïve Wealtheow?
Pundits debates whether Obama has been naive in his dealings with opponents. The same question can be asked of Queen Wealtheow in “Beowulf.”
Presidents as Points of Projection
Mitt Romney may appear to lack a core, but so did Chance in Jerzy Kosinski’s novel “Being There.” And even Barack Obama is different things to different people.