Beowulf’s advice for battling dragon depression: don’t go it alone, which itself is a dragon trait.
Tag Archives: Beowulf
A Woman 600 Years Ahead of Her Time
If Chaucer’s created a timeless and transcendent character in the Wife of Bath, it is because he listened–really listened–to women.
Trump and Satan, Both Miserable
Trump is as miserable as Milton’s Satan (and also a character in a Trollope novel). Unfortunately, like Satan, he does all he can to pull others into his well of misery.
Defeating Dragon Despair after Harris Loss
The insights of “Beowulf” into grieving can provide Democrats guidance for dealing with Harris’s loss.
Beowulf Biden Steps Down
“Beowulf’s understanding of issues around aging leaders helps us negotiate Biden’s campaign withdrawal.
The Beowulfian Case for Keeping Biden
Think of Biden as Beowulf facing the dragon at the end of his reign. And then think of how Wiglaf responds, which is to support him fully.
Remembering My Eldest 24 Years Later
A Mary Oliver poem about grieving as I remember my eldest, who died 24 years ago on this day.
Quiz: Beowulf or Ikea?
A Beowulf quiz: Can you distinguish Beowulf names from Ikea furniture?