Hamlet, Beowulf, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight each show us powerful ways to grieve.
Tag Archives: Beowulf
Hamlet Taught Us a New Way to Grieve
In “Hamlet,” Shakespeare taught the world a powerful new way to grieve.
Biden Is No Beowulf–And That’s Okay
Biden lacks Beowulf’s leadership charisma but has other gifts, ones recognized by Wiglaf.
Joe Biden as King Hrothgar
Biden’s low poll numbers may be because, like King Hrothgar in “Beowulf,” he can’t prevent violence from breaking out in the great hall.
Finn, Hengest, and Terror in Israel
The Finn episode in Beowulf applies only to well to the Hamas terror attack on Israel–and to the probable Israeli response.
Grendel’s Mother Attacks Israel
Hamas’s attack on Israel brings to mind Grendel’s Mother, who is the archetype of perpetual blood feuds.
“Beowulf” on Why Demagogues Arise
A recent study says sorrow as much as anger led to the rise of Trump. But Beowulf teaches us that the two are related (Grendel and Grendel’s mother).
This Time, Grendel Chooses Nashville
With another mass shooting, this one closer to home, I once again invoke “Beowulf.”