Rumi honors the Muslim holiday of Eid Al-Adha, which centers on the story of Abraham and Isaac.
Tag Archives: Bible
Sacrifice Ram of Pride, Not Isaac
Epic Poetry, King James Version
Through his nickname, Lebron James invites associations with the King James Version of the Bible.
God’s Non-Explanation for Suffering
As I think of the deaths and the destroyed communities that natural disasters have recently caused, from the Japanese tsunami to the Alabama tornadoes to the Mississippi flooding, the Book of Job comes to mind. After all, it is a story that addresses that most fundamental of questions, why do bad things happen to innocent people?
Rise Up, My Fair One, and Come Away
Spiritual Sunday St. Valentine, who has evolved into the patron saint of lovers, was beheaded by the Romans for (among other things) marrying Christian couples. As Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, I turn to that most erotic of books in the Bible, Song of Songs (also know as Song of Solomon).Some, unnerved by its unbridled sensuality, have […]
The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want
Spiritual Sunday This past Sunday in our Episcopal Church, the 23rd psalm, it seems, was everywhere. We read the psalm itself aloud and sang two or three hymns that were versions of it. The gospel lesson dealt with the parable of the lost sheep, a comforting passage given its assertion that “the good shepherd” loves […]