Incompetence wins out over expertise in Eliot’s “Middlemarch.” And so it is proving to be the case in the Trump administration.
Tag Archives: Covid
Middlemarch and Trump vs. Expertise
On Odysseus & Trump’s Desecration
Odysseus lambasts the suitors for desecrating all that is holy. One can imagine him doing the same to Trump.
The Political Results of Collective Amnesia
Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children” describes the kind of amnesia following a traumatic incident that may help explain one of the reasons why Trump beat Biden.
Covid PTSD and the Green Knight
Has Covid-caused PTSD created a MAGA death cult? I turn to “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” written in response to the Black Plague, for perspective.
On Gulliver and Biden Putting Out Fires
Disagreeable measures used to combat Covid were like Gulliver pissing on a palace fire to save the structure.
Beowulf Would Favor Vaccine Mandate
Beowulf would favor vaccine mandates and passports and his firmness would convince the rest of society to go along.
Viewing Trump from Afar
Trump has been diminished by his run-in with Covid, reminding me of various characters who suddenly become small: Carroll’s Red Queen, Baum’s Wizard, and the usurper in Craik’s “Little Lame Prince.”