Republicans enabling Trump in his attempts to subvert the 2020 election have a special place reserved from them in Dante’s Inferno: Circle 8, Bolgia 8.
Tag Archives: Dante
Inferno’s Ditch Reserved for Mitch
“Citizen Kane” Foretells Trump
“Citizen Kane” is Trump’s favorite movie. It matches up only too well with his presidency.
Art Points the Way to Heaven
Dante saw art as essential to salvation. Religious doctrine and moral reasoning, while important, were not enough.
Do Not Let Your Anger Drown You
Many Trump supporters are consumed by anger. Dante shows how they construct their own hells in the process.
Trump as a Gibbering Ice Giant
For those expecting a coherent debate out of Trump tonight, check out the ice giant Nimrod in Dante’s “Inferno.” We can expect the same incoherence from the president.
The Dark World of the Suicidal
The suicide della Vigna in Dante’s Wood of Suicides is a noble man who, however, has lost touch with God.
Does Lit Lead to Illicit Sex?
Dante’s beautifully tragic account of Paolo and Francesca captures–as many great works do–the dangers of total absorption in a relationship.
In a Dark Time, Beowulf Was My Virgil
If Dante had his Virgil, I have Beowulf. Both poets helped up negotiate dark times.
Better Living through Virgil
When lost in deep depression, Dante turns to his favorite author, Virgil, to help him out.