Millay makes a strong case against love in her sonnet, but love wins out anyway.
Tag Archives: Edna St. Vincent Millay
Our Fragile Democracy
Feeling fragile about democracy in the wake of the Capitol desecration? This Millay poem may capture your sense of foreboding.
The Case for Memorizing Poetry
To bolster yourself against this age of anxiety, memorize robust poetry. Other poetry works as well.
Lord, Thou’st Made the World Too Beautiful
Millay’s gorgeous poem about autumn testifies to God’s hand in the world.
Fall, Season for Beautiful Depression
Those suffering from depression will find a kindred spirit in this gorgeous St. Vincent Millay poem about autumn.
NFL Rookie QBs and Mac the Knife
RGIII, Russell Wilson, and Andrew Luck are escape artists in the mode of Mac the Knife.
Romanticism, Classicism, and Football
Peyton Manning Note: I owe the underlying idea for this post to a reader contribution to Stampede Blue, an Indianapolis Colts fan website. I have combed through Stampede Blue’s archives and haven’t been able to locate the original post. If anyone has seen it, I ask that they let me know and I’ll give proper […]