Emerson’s “A Nation’s Strength” is must reading in this time of trial.
Tag Archives: Fascism
What Makes a Nation Strong? Not Fascism
Singing the Song of Angry Men
Suddenly Victor Hugo’s revolutionary energies apply to the United States after years of our being complacent about our democracy.
Responding to the Musk-Trump Coup
In response to attempted takeovers such as Elon Musk’s, poet Ilya Kaminsky urges us to wake up and resist. Anne Lamott suggests some of the forms this can take.
Auden on Living in an Age of Anxiety
In “Age of Anxiety,” Auden explains why it’s so hard to pierce fascism’s bubble.
To Survive Trump, Be Like Lizzie
How to survive Trumpism’s anticipated assaults on democracy? Reading Rossetti’s “Goblin Market” is a good place to start.
Not Rage Or Tears but Radical Hope
With her story “Things,” Le Guin gives us a way of understanding MAGA nihilists–and of seeing alternatives.
Does Clockwork Orange Describe Us?
The novella Clockwork Orange captures the process of fascist conditioning, such as we are seeing carried out by Putin on swatches of the GOP.
In a Dante-esque Prison of His Own Making
Trump’s suffering the the Manhattan courtroom is his own version of Dante’s Inferno.
Democracy under Assault? Stand Firm
How to withstand Trump’s incessant assaults on democracy? Be like Lizzie in “Goblin Market.”