In “If Beale Street Could Talk,” Baldwin captures cop sadism of the sort we also seen in Trump supporters.
Tag Archives: Fascism
Baldwin, Cop Sadism, and MAGA
Odysseus’s Authoritarian Power Play
Homer shows the dynamics of authoritarianism at work in an “Iliad” incident where Odysseus disciplines a critic of the Greek mission.
Books Banned Because They’re Powerful
Book banning is on the rise in the U.S., including recently in Virginia. Brecht’s “Burning of the Books” is always powerful.
Ukraine Must Unite Athena with Poseidon
The ancient myth about Athena and Poseidon, historian Snyder argues, captures what Ukraine needs today in its battle with Russia.
Trump Dreamed a Voldemort Moment
It’s now clear that Trump, on Jan. 6, 2021, dreamed of leading his followers into the Capitol. Think of Voldemort entering Hogwarts.
All Authoritarians Are Like Richard III
Shakespeare gives us a brilliant depiction of the authoritarian mindset in “Richard III.” Think Trump and Putin.
The Fascist Right Goes for Sendak
The authoritarian Christian right has now begun going after public libraries, one of which recently had Sendak’s “In the Night Kitchen” pulled.
Condemned to Read Dickens, Austen
A British judge has ordered a white supremacist to read Dickens and Austen. Why these authors.