Rightwing intellectuals are now advocating “Red Caesarism.” Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” provides some insights.
Tag Archives: GOP
GOP Intellectuals Want a “Red Caesar”
MAGA “Justice” and the Queen of Hearts
“Sentence first, verdict afterwards,” say both MAGA Republicans and Lewis Carroll’s Queen of Hearts.
Rumpelstiltskin, the GOP’s Dark Side
“Rumpelstiltskin,” cited by a judge turning down a Trump request, is only too applicable, both to Trump and to the GOP.
As in 1984, Neo-Fascists Redefine Freedom
Many on the extreme right are defining “freedom” in ways that Orwell would recognize.
Nikki Haley, Straight Out of 1984
Nikki Haley, who has just announced her presidential ambitions, resembles Tom Parsons in “1984”–which is to say, a soulless apparatchik.
Election 2022: Win or Lose, Beowulf
Two passages from “Beowulf” to capture feelings of despondency and elation, depending on how the election went for you.
GOP Red Wave Doesn’t Materialize
Longfellow’s “The Brook and the Ocean” capture some of the dynamics of the 2022 mid-term election.
Trump Sycophants = Winged Monkeys?
Mary Trump is likening Trump sycophants to Baum’s Winged Monkeys: They’ll support Trump until, suddenly, they won’t.