“The Washington Post” recently found numerous parallels between Lear and our own president, with “his zigzagging proclamations, his grandiose promises, his spasmodic attachments.”
Tag Archives: King Lear
Will Trump, Like Lear, Take Us All Down?
Trump as Lear, Howling in the Storm
Donald Trump has a lot in common with King Lear. I suspect, however, that Lear has the happier ending.
My Cataract Surgery Recalls Oedipus, Lear
Recent cataract surgery had me recalling all those literary passages where sharp objects get poked into people’s eyes. The real drama, however, was renegotiating my professional identity.
Shakespeare Understood Trumpism
According to Adam Gopnik, Shakespeare would have understood the rise of Donald Trump better than we do today. Whereas we see him as a historical oddity, Shakespeare would have seen him as the kind of evil that has always resided within humankind.
Kipling Perfectly Describes Brexiteers
A “Guardian” article applies Rudyard Kipling’s poem “Dead Statesman” to those irresponsible politicians who brought about Brexit. The poem applies equally well to Donald Trump.
#NeverTrump! Never! Never! Never! Never?
Many who vowed NeverTrump are backing away from the word “never.” “Never” is an important word in “King Lear” and Lear, unlike Lear’s opponents, doesn’t back away from it.
Time for GOP Moderates To Go to Ground?
As the GOP reels in the wake of Trump’s victory, it might want to model itself on Edgar in “King Lear.”
Now, Gods, Stand Up for Trump!
When traditional institutions like the government or the Supreme Court are undermined, the way is cleared for the rise of liar like Trump.