When the journalists engage in bothsiderism in the 2024 election, they resemble the dwarfs in Lewis’s “Last Battle.”
Tag Archives: Last Battle
Bothsiderism in Lewis’ Last Battle
The World Will End in Fire AND Ice
With extreme climate, the world in likely to end (to cite Robert Frost) in fire AND ice.
The World Will End in Fire AND Ice
When Frost wrote, “Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice,” it now appears (judging by Australia and Greenland) that everyone is right.
C. S. Lewis and Trumpian Doublespeak
C. S. Lewis’s “Last Battle” shows us a forerunner to Trump in Shift the Ape, who accuses his attackers of what he himself is guilty of.
C.S. Lewis’s Book of Revelation
Spiritual Sunday C. S. Lewis’s Last Battle draws heavily on the the Book of Revelation, which has been furnishing the lectionary readings for the last few Sundays. Even though I didn’t know this when I read it as a child, it still struck me as too didactic, at times more allegory than adventure. Therefore, although […]
This Is the Way the World Ends
Robert Frost’s “Fire and Ice” reflects upon how the world will end. Recent news of melting Antarctic glaciers says we can expect fire and ice to both play a role.