Shapiro’s “Shakespeare in a Divided America” shows that the Bard has made an appearance in most of American history’s key moments.
Tag Archives: MAGA
Shakespeare in a Divided America
A Florida County Targeted Paradise Lost
Milton’s Paradise Lost, banned by a Florida County this past year, exposes the hypocrites who have taken it off school library shelves.
Not Rage Or Tears but Radical Hope
With her story “Things,” Le Guin gives us a way of understanding MAGA nihilists–and of seeing alternatives.
Covid PTSD and the Green Knight
Has Covid-caused PTSD created a MAGA death cult? I turn to “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” written in response to the Black Plague, for perspective.
Revisiting “It Can’t Happen Here”
Mother Jones columnist David Corn finds increasing relevance in Sinclair Lewis’s 1935 novel “It Can’t Happen Here.”
Candide and the Deep State
Members of the MAGA cult resemble the Baron of Thunder-ten-Tronckh in “Candide.”
Pratchett’s Response to Intolerance
Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching novel “I Shall Wear Midnight” is a good counter to Christofascism.
Biden and Auden’s Unknown Citizen
Auden’s “Unknown Citizen” looks better now than when the poet wrote the poem.
Our Country, a Land of Poverty
Blake calls out those who claim to be Christians while mistreating the poor.