There’s a Pentecostal scene in “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” that captures the excitement of the Holy Spirit’s descent.
Tag Archives: Pentecost
Pentecost in Narnia
The Moonlight Leaks Through
It is when we are feeling that all is ruined that sometimes the Pentecostal spirit leaks through, like moonlight in a ruined house.
Let Go Anger to Apprehend God Is Near
A Scott Cairns Pentecost poem on what it takes to apprehend that God is within us.
Every Flame Becomes a Tongue of Praise
Malcolm Guite has a powerful sonnet capturing the pentecostal moment.
Come, Holy Spirit
Pentecost Sunday Nobel Prize-winning Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz uses the occasion of Pentecost to explore the nature of faith in his poem “Veni Creator.” Although the apostles may have been filled with the Holy Spirit, what about those of us who don’t experience tongues of flame? Here’s Luke’s description of moment (Acts 2:1-4): When the […]
Light Breaks Where No Light Was Before
Lucille Clifton’s Lucifer poems are more pentecostal than diabolic.
Pulled into the Ring of the Dance
In her Pentecostal poem “Caedmon,” Denise Levertov describes the moment when the early British poet was filled with the Holy Spirit and learned the art of song.
To See God, the Eye Must Catch Fire
Blake’s poem “Pentecost” explains what is necessary to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit.