Musk loved Tolkien when young but resembles the villains more than the heroes–namely Gollum, Saruman, and ultimately Wormtongue.
Tag Archives: Power
Which Tolkien Character Is Elon Musk?
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Donald Trump, Elon Musk, J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings Comments closed
Jane Austen, Mistress of Manipulation
A new political science text shows that Jane Austen has a shrewd understanding of game theory.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Game Theory, Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility Comments closed
How Life Looks When One Is Property
Last week we had another fine presentation in the series of Twain lectures that my colleague Ben Click has been running. Once again a talk about race and Huckleberry Finn deepened my respect for that magnificent book. Here are some of the ideas I picked up, which I share with you from memory since I didn’t […]
Beowulf (the film): Fathering Monsters
Jolie as Grendel’s Mother Film Friday I’m teaching Beowulf at the moment and of course my class wants to know what I think of the movie, by which they mean Robert Zemeckis’s animated 2007 version rather than the 2005 Swedish film Beowulf and Grendel. Neither is very good but it’s interesting to see what each […]