Radiologist Scott Atlas has Trump’s ear about Covid, with disastrous implications. Perhaps he thinks he’s Charles Atlas or the Atlas in “Atlas Shrugged.”
Tag Archives: Ralph Hodgson
Scott Atlas’s Miracle Covid Cure
Sports Saturday Finis
I wrap up my Saturday sports column, explaining that I have become worried about repeating myself.
Time, You Old Gypsy, Will You Not Stay?
Poet Ralph Hodgson compares time to a caravan that will not stop for us.
Never Favre from the Madding Crowd
Sports Saturday He’s baaaak! The fabled quarterback who has played more consecutive games than anyone in the history of football, the prima donna who each offseason plays maddening games with the football world about whether or not he’s retiring, the holder of virtually every scoring record who last year had his best season ever, the […]
Brett Favre and the Poetics of Failure
Brett Favre I watched in amazement this past Sunday as 40-year-old Brett Favre, despite being pounded by the defense of the New Orleans Saints in the National Football League’s National Conference championship game, pulled himself off the grass time and time again to keep on playing. It was an extraordinary chapter in a career that […]