The Weiss law firm has caved to Trump’s threats, in effect (this according to the Bulwark’s Krystol) paying the Dane-geld. This is reference to a Kipling poem.
Tag Archives: Rudyard Kipling
Trump’s Viking-Like Threats
Kipling’s Warning to Empires
Kipling’s “Recessional,” written as a warning to the British empire, applies as well to America today.
Election Anxieties? Read Kipling’s “If”
Milbank uses a Kipling line as he begs readers not to leave the Washington Post. Kipling also provides timely advice for the last week of this election.
The U.S. Ignored Kipling’s Cautionary Tale
Would the USSR and the USA have saved themselves a lot of blood and money in Afghanistan by reading Kipling’s “The Man Who Would Be King” before going in.
Kipling’s Stellar Advice for Leaders
For a new incoming college president, Kipling’s “If” provides excellent advice.
What Made Roger Federer Special
Recently retired Roger Federer had a quality possessed by the 17th century Cavalier poets.
Jane Austen Will Cure What Ails You
Jane Austen therapy has been prescribed for war vets, London civilians under attack, and people hiding out from Covid.
Dreaming of Travel during Covid
A very smart Covid poem circulating on social media at the moment references 11 poems, all about longing to travel.
In “Crown,” Philip Gets Auden, Not Keats
“The Crown” makes productive use of poetry to move the action. In three Season #3 episodes, we encounter Kipling, Shakespeare, Keats & Auden.