An account of a dinner with an old Slovenian friend and intellectual.
Tag Archives: Samuel Beckett
My Dinner with Mladen
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged intellectual conversations, Ion, King Lear, Mladen Dolar, Oedipus at Colonus, Pierre de Marivaux, Plato, Republic, Sophocles, Wayne Booth, William Shakespeare, Worstward Ho Comments closed
Waiting for Biden, Paul Ryan, & Reagan
Some Democrats are waiting for Joe Biden and many Republicans are awaiting the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan. Samuel Beckett foresaw in all in “Waiting for Godot.”
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged Democrats, Freedom Caucus, GOP, Joe Biden, Paul Ryan, politics, Republicans, Waiting for Godot Comments closed
Awaiting Godot in the Age of Cable News
Stephen Colbert realizes that only Beckett’s theater of the absurd will do justice to breathless media coverage of the latest crisis (whatever it is).
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged CNN, Malaysian Flight 370, Stephen Colbert, theater of the absurd, Waiting for Godot Comments closed
Two Parables Involving Falling Leaves
Scott Bates and Lucille Clifton find poetic lessons in falling leaves.
Posted in Uncategorized Also tagged "Existentialist Leaf", "lesson of the falling leaves", Albert Camus, Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom, existentialism, Freedom, Jean Anouilh, Jean Paul Sartre, Lucille Clifton, Scott Bates Comments closed