“Tess of the d’Urbervilles” is a prescient account of how sexual predators operate. It is no less relevant today in the age of Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein than it was in 1892.
Tag Archives: sexual assault
Hardy Understood Sexual Predators Well
Trump & Mac the Knife, 2 Escape Artists
Donald Trump’s apparent ability to escape unscathed from gaffes and revelations that would sink any other campaign invites comparison with Mac the Knife, John Gay’s glamorous escape artist from “Beggar’s Opera.”
We Mooste Calle Him “Hende Donald”
Donald Trump’s self-admitted sexual assaults resemble those of the university student in Chaucer’s “Miller’s Tales.” Hende Nicholas, however, is far more respectful of his lady love.
Teaching Gender Sensitivity at West Point
Margaret Atwood’s “Handmaid’s Tale” is required reading for entering West Point cadets. Good things could happen.
Behn’s Comedy Masks Feminist Protest
Aphra Behn’s 1677 play “The Rover” hides its feminist protest within a comic form.
Sexual Misconduct in the Classics
A sexual misconduct course required of all employees got me thinking of problematic situations in the books that I teach.
The Wife of Bath vs. Military Rapes
Perhaps Chaucer’s Wife of Bath has some good suggestions on preventing sexual assault in the military.