Celebrity culture contributed to the Aziz Ansari scandal and the commotion it has caused. Alexander Pope sets forth the dynamics in “Rape of the Lock.”
Tag Archives: sexual harassment
Pope Anticipated the Ansari Affair
Austen: Standing Up to Harassers
Jane Austen has powerful lessons for those battling systemic sexism.
#MeToo: A New Day for Cassandra
The prophetess Cassandra wasn’t listened to, but the #MeToo movement is changing that.
Note to Men: Face Your Inner Violence
To grapple with the fact of male sexual assault, it helps to have powerful literary explorations. Murakami provides one in “Kafka on the Shore.”
Chaucer’s Solution for Sexual Assault
What are we to do about all of our sexual assaulters, given that they probably number in the thousands? Chaucer’s Wife of Bath has an answer.
Mood Swings: Inside Out, Rape of the Lock
“Inside Out” has a lot in common with Pope’s “Rape of the Lock.” Both show us the interior drama of their heroines. In both works, the heroines lose touch with their upbeat helpers.
Sexual Misconduct in the Classics
A sexual misconduct course required of all employees got me thinking of problematic situations in the books that I teach.
Gillibrand & Montagu vs. Senate Sexism
How should Kirsten Gillibrand have responded to sexual harassment by fellow senators? Lady Mary Wortley Montagu provides a good model.