Think of Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” as a gratitude poem appropriate for Thanksgiving.
Tag Archives: Tintern Abbey
All Which We Behold Is Full of Blessings
He Took Us with Him to the Heart of Things
Poet’s writing about the Ascension often focus on our tangled lives.
A Wordsworth Thanksgiving Poem
In which I read Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey” as a Thanksgiving poem.
On Revisiting Intense Experiences
Returning to my alma mater reminds me of Wordsworth returning to the Wye River in “Tintern Abbey.” That he shares the experience with his sister makes it even more relevant.
Imagination’s Transformative Power
The Romantics saw the literary imagination as a powerful transformational force.
Through Lit, We Learn Compassion
Tuesday My brother Sam, an enthusiastic Unitarian Universalist, gave me Karen Armstrong’s Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life for Christmas, and I was pleased that the author sees literature playing a major role. In today’s post I share how she draws on the ancient Greeks. Armstrong writes, “All faiths insist that compassion is the test […]
Returning to the Misty Past
John Gatta’s “Spirits of Place” is helping me understand why I have chosen to retire in my home town. Wordsworth, Stowe, Homer, and Frost help out as well.
Wordsworth and a Depressed Philosopher
When utilitarian John Stuart Mill’s philosophy led him into despair, Wordsworth’s poetry saved him.